
2024-06-11 08:55

1. 阳光体育活动英语作文报道

Today I’d like to give a speech about the importance and meaning of sports and show some of my ideas on whether students in senior high school, grade three should take physical exercises for an hour everyday.
There is a saying that if you can take physical exercises for an hour everyday, you will be able to work in good health for fifty year and live happily for a whole life. That is true. Sports not only ensure us good health, but also bring happiness. It is said by neurochemist that doing sports can make body produce some chemical substance entering your blood which with the circulation reaches your nervous system and makes you feel excited. As to it is good for our health, it is obvious. Everyone knows life exists in action. Physical advisor says that sports can improve the function of lungs and heart, and also make your immune system work better to protect your body away from diseases.
As we all know that students of senior high school, grade three is very busy with their study bearing great pressure. However, they also should find time to do physical exercises. The sports are not only a relaxation for your brain but also a refreshant for your mind. After hours after hours of hard work, you may feel tired and your brain may work more slowly, then if you stay there to study, you may lose efficiency. Thus why don’t go out of the classroom and breathe the fresh air in the playground. Why don’t choose your favorite sport to limber up your muscles and joints and be released from the anxiety and burden of your study. After that as more oxygen absorbed into your brain and much sweater going out of your body, you can restart your study with more energy.
All above is my opinion, I cordially hope you join us-sunshine sports-make yourselves more healthy and enjoy yourselves in your life. Remember: don’t let college entrance examination make your life monotonous and dull without any variation.


2. 英语作文你校为响应“阳光体育工程”开展了一系列体育活动

The results of the student activity survey 
Here are the results of the student activity survey in Class 12, Grade 8. More than 500 students play ball games every day. 290 students run twice a week. Some students, about 200, play volleyball one time a week. But more than 100 students like swimming every day. Some students have sports twice a week. Most students have sports four times a week. All the students do homework every day. No students do homework twice or four times a week.

3. 英语作文体育活动

My School Sport
 I study in No.1 Primary School of my city. I usually do sports in school. 

Every winter, we have a sports meeting. It’s the most exciting time in the 

whole year. Last year, I got the No.1 in running. In daily life, I like 

running, playing table tennis. They are good for my health. And doing sports 

is really funny. I like sports.


4. 高中英语作文 阳光运动健康生活

"Jingle bell" class! When the bright sunshine flooded the campus, when filled with a sporty theme in our ears, a row of neat team will come to your eye. Look, the students are to tiptoe pace, ran into the playground. The sunlight sports activities to start! The students all be in fine fig, with a smile on her face. The melodious rabbit dance songsrang, all the students in a circle, put his hand on the other students on the shoulder. Then the classmates while lift left foot, right foot a little lift, while jump forward, then backward jump. At this time, full of vitality of the large playground into students show ego stage!
In front of the stage is a warmup. Now, to the students of the love game time. The classmates all like "little tiger"like to active area of their. The playground was bustling. Look here, those who play "Tongzhou and Ji" classmates,pedal board, courageously forward. "One or two, one or two" slogan, make the welkin ring. Look at that, the long jump, kick the shuttlecock, sandbags, eagle and chicks...... The students all have be in full swing.
The most exciting to me is that our game -- "air relay". Please don't get me wrong, we are not in the air race. But in the hands of the bottle in the relay! Wang Xinyu and I, Shi Tuo, leaves Yiqing group. I am unable to hold oneself back picked up the heavy bottles, hold hands, over his head, feet upward jump, with all her might to throw bottles,"wind" of the a flying leaf Yiqing. Quicker than words can tell, she jumps up, put the bottle firmly caught. I like thelightning went on behind. Oh, no.! Ye Yiqing threw a "low ball", see the bottle will be born, eye Wang Xinyu wentforward, to "strive for the impossible", put the bottle tightly clasped his arms. "Great!" We are Wang Xinyu'swonderful "save" and cheering!
Sunshine sports, fly our sunny mind, compose a song of colorful sun melody!
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5. 英语作文“学校开展了哪些体育活动

首先 我把你的大意稍微补充了一点,大致如下:学校每年秋期举办运动会,十分热闹,回想起去年运动会,我通过努力获得了跳远第一名。在运动会期间, 同学们上午锻炼,下午做眼保健操,课后打篮球或踢足球,时间安排的十分有规律。
School every year autumn period to hold the sports meet, very lively, recalled the last games, I through hard work won the first prize of high-jump. During the games, the classmates morning exercise, afternoon doing eye exercises, after class to play basketball or football, time arrangement is very regular.


6. 求一篇关于体育休闲活动的英语作文!!!

Physical and Mental Recreations

    Physical recreations and intellectual activities are the two major ways of spending our leisure time. While some people have interests in both of them, most of us also have preferable way to spend our time off.
    Physical activities can do us a lot of good. They afford us the opportunities to strengthen our bodies and to satisfy our competitive nature. The activities range from participation in strenuous sports such as running and pissing balls to slow-paced events like jogging or golf. In addition, we can choose whether we want in enjoy these activities as part of a group, for example, a bowling team, or in solitary pursuits, like spending a quiet afternoon of fishing. Physical pastimes provide welcome and necessary breaks in our often sedentary lives, and alert us to our physical condition.
    Intellectual activities also have ninny advantages. Activities such as reading a good book, listening to a favorite record, or going in a play, serve to revitalize our mental processes. This revitalization can be either a stimulant to mental readiness and innovation or a tranquilizer or temporary escape from the pressures of dally life. Intellectual pursuits are often regarded as solitary events, such as collecting stamps. But there are group activities that aye clearly intellectual activities: a chess tournament or poetry society are two examples of this.
   I prefer a balance of these two kinds of activities to provide both the physical conditioning and mental stimulation I need to face in the daily grind. For me, physical recreation is necessary for good health but intellectual pursuits such as reading stories provide the most pleasure.

7. 英语作文体育运动

体育运动 My School Sport
 I study in No.1 Primary School of my city. I usually do sports in school. Every winter, we have a sports meeting. It’s the most exciting time in the whole 

year. Last year, I got the No.1 in running. In daily life, I like running, playing table tennis. They are good for my health. And doing sports is really 

funny. I like sports. 


8. 英语作文体育运动

I study in No.1 Primary School of my city. I usually do sports in school. Every winter, we have a sports meeting. It’s the most exciting time in the whole year. Last year, I got the No.1 in running. In daily life, I like running, playing table tennis. They are good for my health. And doing sports is really funny. I like sports.